Christina and Paul – Revelation23 Videos

Study of Revelation 8

Study of Revelation 8

Hosts: Pastors Christina and Paul Karanick From the Bible: ‘When the Lamb broke the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. Another angel came and stood at the altar, holding a golden censer; […]
Study of Revelation 9

Study of Revelation 9

Hosts: Pastors Christina and Paul Karanick From the Bible: Revelation 9 1Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key to the shaft of the abyss was given to him. 2He opened the shaft of the abyss, and smoke ascended out of the […]
Unveiling Eternity with Joy Karanick Roach, PHD

Unveiling Eternity with Joy Karanick Roach, PHD

Study of Revelation with Joy Karanick Roach, PHD Joy’s book ‘Unveiling Eternity’ Links to purchase the book and find out more: Website: Amazon: Bio: A powerful voice to the nations, Joy Karanick Roach answered the ecumenical and prophetic call to share God’s message of redemption to the world. She served as a Commander […]