Lindy – the Pregnant Ewe

Lindy – the Pregnant Ewe

Message by Pastor Paul Karanick Story: Raven’s pregnant ewe had been down for four days in pain during her pregnancy. It was pretty obvious that Lindy was probably not going to survive much longer. Raven was not going to give up on her and she researched all possible issues and remedies, but nothing provided much […]
Not Spoken of Me What is Trustworthy

Not Spoken of Me What is Trustworthy

As Christians, we should be the voice of Truth. We are the ambassadors of Christ and are empowered of sharing the Truth of the Way to Salvation. People may not always want to hear the truth, but it should still be spoken. The Bible tells us that people would rather hear lies that give them […]
Promise of Forgiveness

Promise of Forgiveness

(Note: We believe there was an issue with our graphics card during this recording. The video may be a little choppy, but we felt the message was worth posting anyway. The audio was not affected.) Message by Pastor Christina 1) Confess Your Sins 2) Receive Forgiveness 3) Cleansed from Unrighteousness From the Bible: ‘If we […]
Promises of God, Sweeter than Honey

Promises of God, Sweeter than Honey

To-do list: Where is God in your to-do list. Tear up the old list and recreate your list with Jesus as your top priority. Everything else just falls in line. The way to find rest is to allow the keeper and giver of rest to be part of our priority list. Matthew 11:28-30 Come to […]