Paul Karanick35 Videos

Lindy – the Pregnant Ewe

Lindy – the Pregnant Ewe

Message by Pastor Paul Karanick Story: Raven’s pregnant ewe had been down for four days in pain during her pregnancy. It was pretty obvious that Lindy was probably not going to survive much longer. Raven was not going to give up on her and she researched all possible issues and remedies, but nothing provided much […]
Story of Apache

Story of Apache

The story of Apache, a dog that was adopted from the animal rescue. He loved his new family, especially Scott, his new best friend. It doesn’t matter where we came from or how messed up our life has been, God will use us to do great things if we will put our hope and trust […]
The Chase is Real

The Chase is Real

There was a dog chasing a raccoon and suddenly went missing. The dog was not paying attention to the consequences of the chase. Sin is similar to this dog chasing the raccoon, it becomes a desire to keep chasing the sin to get the ultimate fulfilment without realizing the consequences. The chase for satisfaction is […]
Serving without Excuses

Serving without Excuses

Lawrence didn’t know much about Elephants but he was determined to save them from being killed. This herd of elephants seemed to be a danger to the locals, but instead of having them killed, Lawrence made it his mission to keep that from happening. Lawrence had a passion for saving animals and he dedicated his […]
God expects us to Trust Him

God expects us to Trust Him

‘Then the angel of the L ord came and sat under the oak that was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, as his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the wine press in order to save it from the Midianites. And the angel of the L ord appeared to him and said […]